Release 2.18
Welcome to Release 2.18! In this version we’re bringing you updates to Copy and Carryover features, Tracking Folder enhancements, and a number of UI updates.
Sample App Grids: Added new Diff Vendor and Diff Customer columns for Sample App grids that will calculate the Vendor and Customer difference.
Copy and Carryover Updates: Copy and Carryover features in the style folder have been updated with more flexible options and a cleaner look. Users can now select exactly which pages to copy or carryover and also see more information about the artboards that can be copied or carried over.
Tracking Folder: Added ability to move a style from one tracking folder to another, preserving all tracking data so that it does not need to be re-entered.
Updated look and feel for file and image upload panels.
Various UI tweaks for a more consistent experience in BeProduct with less visual noise.
Tracking timeline dates now also reflects dates for rejected status.
For our BeProduct Admin friends, we've improved TAB key functionality when entering data into dropdown lists in Admin Folder to allow you to key in your data more efficiently.
New look for New Account Signup and Forgot Password features.
Corrected an issue where not all records would export from tracking search screen if user was on 2nd page or further of results.
Fixed issue that would sometimes allow a user to create a Style or Material without filling in required fields.
Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause a portion of the UI to not load properly after using the Copy From feature on the measurements page in styles.
Fixed issue preventing user from sorting Date field columns on tracking grid.
Corrected an issue that would sometimes make the right-side panel undock.