Release 2.8
The primary focus of this release was to provide a direct integration of BeProduct’s material library with Browzwear’s VStitcher and Lotta 3D applications. This allows an organization to centralize their material asset management when utilizing a Browzwear 3D workflow. Additional enhancements have also been made to improve upon existing functionality.
Tags: With this release, users are able to organize data items, such as materials and styles, into groups known as tags. These tags are created separately by each user, but can also be shared with others within the same company.
BeProduct Sync: This is a desktop application that is installed on your Mac or PC and automatically manages the syncing of material assets between BeProduct and Browzwear’s 3D desktop applications.
U3M Material App: With this release, an admin can install a new U3M app to material folders. This app holds both material physics properties and texture maps to be used as part of a material asset that is pulled into Browzwear’s 3D applications.
Drag & Drop Sort in Artboard Apps: With this release, users are able to drag and drop sort images in Artboard apps.
Drag & Drop Sort Image Comments in Sample Apps: With this release, users are able to drag and drop sort images uploaded to the comments tab in both Sample Request and Size Run Sample apps.
Master Folder Level Auto Increment Header Number: With this release, admins can configure header numbers that contain an incrementing number that is maintained across the entire master folder.
Go To Material Button on BOM Apps: When opening a material while in a BOM app, users are now able to launch that material in a new browser tab by clicking a go to button.
The ability to delete a Tracking Plan has now been restricted to only admins of the system.
The Add Pages popup that appears when creating Tech Packs has been updated by removing unnecessary columns from the grid and increasing the width of both the panel itself and all remaining grid columns.
When previewing styles in the Style folder, users can now cycle through the artboard images within the style as well.
Added gross (GR), dozen (DOZ) and roll (RL) as available units of measure for entering Material sizes.
A User Role can no longer be deleted if a user is still assigned to that roll.
Fixed bug with mass edit attributes in the image folder.
Fixed bug with selecting of tech pack templates.
Fixed bug causing material colorways to duplicate when color pitched in a BOM app.
Fixed bug with the carryover and move functions in style folder.
Fixed bug with the downloading of files from Attachment apps.
Fixed bug with the sharing of tech packs with vendors.