Release 1.13

The primary focus of this release was on implementing the ability to create Material Tech Packs that combined printouts from multiple material apps into a single document. In addition, enhancements were made to many areas of the system, including Tracking, Tasks and Line Sheet print options.



  • Material Tech Pack App: With this release, users are able to install and Material Tech Pack app to all material folders. This allows them to generate printouts that combine data from other apps installed in a material.

  • Line Sheet Print Enhancements: With this release, improvements have been made to the Line Sheet print template setup, in order to make the creation of new Line Sheet Print Options easier.

  • Tracking Enhancements: This release included the following enhancements to tracking:

    1. The first 3 columns on the Style Plan and Material Plan grids have been frozen to allow for better visibility to row information while scrolling.

    2. The horizontal scroll bar is now visible on the page at all times without requiring the user to scroll to the bottom of the page.

    3. Multi-select dropdown values on the Style Plan and Material Plan grid have been resized to better fit on the column.

    4. Duplicate rows can now be made for size and partner in addition to colorways of styles and materials.

  • Item Image with Info Tooltip on Task Panels in the Tasks Folder: When working with tasks in the Tasks folder, users can now see the main image of the related item on the tasks panel. By hovering the cursor over this image, a tooltip would appear showing a larger image and the header name and number.

  • Default Main Image and Print Option for Style and Material Attribute pages: Users are now able to define which main images and which print preview page are defaulted for both Style and Material Attribute pages.



  • The Metadata pages in BeProduct have been relabeled to “Attributes”.

  • The default stroke color and stroke width on the Image Editor have been set to red and size 3 respectively.

  • The action icons that appear when hovering over an image in a List App now display the name of each action.

  • A delete button has been added to the Spreadsheet App, allowing the user to clear all data and reset the page back to its template.

  • When assigning a technical sketch to a Measurement App, the Add Image panel now displays the Artboard tab, allowing users to pick from available artboards in the style.

  • Updated BOM Details printout to better display material attributes with long values.

  • The BOM Apps now display a save alert on the page when a user tries to close without saving.



  • Fixed bug that caused the Task panel to not show the full list of assignees immediately after the task is created.

  • Fixed bug that shows incorrect modified timestamp for each page in tracking.

  • Fixed bug displaying inactive fields on the Revisions tab inside a tracking plan.

  • Fixed bug with tasks and comments columns in the Timeline panel for each row in a tracking plan.

  • Fixed bug that printed tech pack pages out of order in tracking.

  • Fixed bug with a quick search on tracking.

  • Fixed bug with comments and fit images on sample app print previews.

  • Fixed bug that prevented users from entering values as fractions on the Sample Request app.

  • Fixed bug that caused the Dimension app to occasionally crash.

  • Fixed bug with undo in Image Editor that caused the undo action to occur every other time the user hits ctrl-z.

  • Fixed bug that did not add a material automatically to the page when created from within a Bill of Material app.

  • Fixed bug causing duplicate tech pack entries in a style when a task is created immediately after a new tech pack is generated.