Release 1.11

The primary focus of this release was on delivering a significant update to the Tracking functionality in BeProduct. Additional enhancements include a new Text & List App Template and updates to the Sample Request App Template. 



  • Tracking 2.0: This release introduces a significant update to the tracking functionality in BeProduct. In addition to tracking styles against a development timeline, users can also begin to track material development as well. Timelines can now be modified to account for variations by season or program and improved visibility into product development is achieved by including tasks and an activity log within each plan.

  • Text & List App Template: Users can now create apps using a new Text & List app template available in the App Marketplace. This app template contains a rich text canvas at the top followed by an image list area at the bottom.

  • Sample Fit Comments by Submit: Users are now able to enter fit comments and upload fit photos specific to a sample submit.

  • Sample Request App Print Preview: Users are now able to generate print previews to output data from Sample Request Apps.

  • Generate Tech Packs with Sample Print Previews: When the Tech Pack App is accessed from within a Tracking folder, the user could generate Tech Packs that include Sample Print Previews.



  • The Measurement App Print Previews have been optimized to reduce white space on the page.

  • The Bill of Material App now displays a notification to the user each time materials are successfully added.

  • The Multi-Select Dropdown control now allows users to define multiple default values.

  • Changes to POMs in Sample Request Apps now post back to the style Measurement App when the user chooses to update the development spec.



  • Fixed bug that prevents users from free typing values, in the Bill of Material colorway grid, that partially matches a material colorway.

  • Fixed bug that causes the Bill of Material grid to scroll when editing dropdown values.

  • Fixed merged cell issue on print preview for Spreadsheet & List apps.

  • Fixed bug causing zoomed images to hide behind page content.

  • Fixed out of tolerance calculation formula on Sample Request Apps.