Creating Blocks in the Block Folder

Creating Blocks in the Block Folder

Using the Blocks folder in BeProduct is a great way to standardize your measurements and to streamline getting new styles created and sampled. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to create Blocks.

Creating Blocks

Creating a new block:

  1. Click on the rocket ship icon at the top of the screen to open the quick menu, click the Block icon, then select the New Block option.

  2. In the right panel, select the Master Folder that you would like to create a block in. (Note that if there are no options listed in the Master Folder dropdown, the Block folder has not been configured and will need to be set up by your system admin.)

  3. Enter any required fields, then click on the Create button.

Adding size classes:

  1. Now that you’ve created your Blocks folder, we’ll need to add at least one size class to your Block. A few typical examples of Size Classes are Regular, Big & Tall and Slim fit. Click on the Add Size Class button in the right-hand menu.

  2. Add a Size Class name, use the Add Size button to add individual sizes to your Size Class and select your Sample Size, then save.

  3. You’ll now see your new Size Class in the lefthand menu.

Adding POM, Measurement and Grading info to your block:

  1. In the left-hand menu, click on the size class that you would like to add measurement data to.

  2. Click the Add POM button in the right-hand menu to bring in POMs from your POM Library. You can also use the Ad-hoc POM button to add additional points of measure that are not in your POM Library.

  3. From here, the Block page functions much like the Measurement app in the Style folder. Using the Grade Rules tab, you can enter in your Grade rules and then view your Graded Spec from the Graded Spec tab. 2D Patterns and 3D Blocks can also be added in the right-hand menu and will then be added to any styles using the block.

  4. Once you’re finished entering your POM and grading info, click Save. Your Block is now ready to be used on styles! You can add the Block to styles by visiting the Style Measurement page and clicking the Add Block button in the right-hand menu.


Note that any changes to POMs or grading at the Block level will automatically update any Style Measurement page that is using the block.

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