Working with Blocks and Multiple Size Classes

Working with Blocks and Multiple Size Classes

Using Blocks with multiple size classes in BeProduct can be a powerful tool to help accelerate your product development. Here’s a quick guide to get you started!

Creating Blocks

  1. From the Blocks folder, click the New button.

  2. Enter header information and click the Create button in the lower right-side corner.

  3. Click the Add Size Class button and in the new slide-out panel, enter Size Class name and use Add Size Class button to add a row for each size in your size range.

  4. Enter the Size name for each size in your size range and use the Sample Size radio button to select your sample size for this Size Class.

  5. You can add additional Size Classes using the Add Size Class button, following the same steps as above.

Editing Block Measurements when Using Multiple Size Classes

  1. Once you have Size Classes added to your Block, click on the Measurements app in the menu on the left side of the screen.  Note all of your size classes appear in the grid together, allowing you to see measurements for each Size Class on the same screen.

  2. To Edit a size class’ measurements, click on the pencil icon alongside the size class name that you would like to edit.

  3. In the slide out panel, you can add POMs from the POM Library, add ad-hoc POMs, Sort POMs using the Move POM button, Remove POMs, as well as Import and Export Excel.

Note that POMs are shared between all size classes, so removing a POM from one size class will automatically remove it from the others in your block. If you need a POM to appear on one size class but not another in the same block, you can use the Hide checkbox to hide the POM where not needed.

Adding Additional Size Classes to a Multi-Size Block

  1. From the Attributes or Measurements apps in a Block, click on the Add Size Class button.

  2. Enter Size Class name and any other header info for the size class.

  3. Use the Add Size button in the right-side menu to add as many sizes as you need for the size range.

  4. In the Size Grid, enter the name for each size in your size range, select a sample size using the radio button in the Sample Size column, and then click Save.


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