Using BeProduct 3D Plugin in Browzwear applications

Using BeProduct 3D Plugin in Browzwear applications

This article explains how to use BeProduct 3D Plugin in Browzwear applications.

Syncing your camera and lighting to BeProduct Headless

You may upload custom camera views and Browzwear light settings from your desktop Browzwear applications to BeProduct headless, and use them for rendering purposes (refer to next section).

  1. Open your VStitcher and go to the Plugins menu → BeProduct → Settings

  2. You will see 2 tabs on the left: Lightings and Cameras

  3. To sync light settings, select Lightings and select the lightings that you would like to sync to BeProduct headless on the Sync button

  4. To sync camera views, select Camera and select the cameras that you would like to sync to BeProduct headless and click on the Sync button

Other users within your organization will be able to use the lightings and cameras you have synced

Rendering and syncing BW file back to BeProduct

You may render and sync your BW file back to the style record in BeProduct.

  1. With a snapshot loaded on the avatar, go to the Plugins menu → BeProduct → Sync to Cloud

  2. A render window will appear and select the snapshot, turntable options, additional 3D views, etc.

  3. You have the option to select different lighting for each colorway and to skip rendering, replace or add the newly rendered images to the colorway.

In order to sync the BW file back to the style record, you will have to first sync the style from BeProduct to your local folder.

Downloading color palettes and 3D materials from BeProduct

You may use download color palettes and 3D materials (*.u3m) from BeProduct and use them in your garment design.

  1. Go to the Plugins menu → BeProduct → Material or Color Library

  2. Select the folder on the menu on the left

  3. Click on the download button to download the color palette or material

  4. The color palette will be downloaded into the Color library and the materials will be downloaded to the Garment tab

In order to access the folders, you will have to first sync the style from BeProduct to your local folder.

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