How to Install and Setup BeProduct Sync on a Mac

This article will walk you through the steps needed to install BeProduct Sync on a Mac.

Installing the BeProduct Sync Application

  1. Download BeProduct Sync here.

  2. Once the installer file has downloaded, double click on the BeProductSyncInstaller.dmg file in your downloads folder.

  3. A new Finder window will open with the BeProduct Sync App. Drag and drop the App into the Applications Folder as noted in the Finder window. (Note that if you have previously installed BeProduct Sync, you’ll receive a popup--choose the Replace option.)

  4. Next, open System Preferences and select Security & Privacy. Click on the Privacy tab and in the left frame scroll down to Full Disk access and click on it. Click on the padlock in the bottom left corner of the window and enter your system password to unlock settings. Next, click on the + icon and in the window that appears select BeProduct Sync to add it to the Full Disk Access area. Close System Preferences.


  5. In your Applications folder, locate BeProduct Sync and double click to open.

  6. You’ll now see the BeProduct Sync App in the MacOS Menu Bar at the top of the screen. Click on the BP Sync icon. If you see a message that says “Failed to Start” in the BP Sync menu, please see the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article.

Setting up the BeProduct Sync App

  1. Now that you have BeProduct Sync installed and open, we can set it up. Click on the BeProduct Sync menu in your system’s menu bar and select Sign In from the menu.


  2. BeProduct will open on a webpage. Follow prompts to log in and then close the tab in your browser once a message says to do so.

  3. Once you’ve logged in, if you open the BeProduct Sync menu, you should see your username listed and the Service Status should be set to Running.

  4. That’s it! You’re ready to use Sync.


If you receive an error when attempting to sign into sync, please check the following.

  1. Click on the BP Sync icon in your system’s menubar at the top of your screen.

  2. If you see a “Failed to Start” message, select the “Edit Config” option.

  3. A file will open. Once it opens, simply close it.

  4. Restart BP Sync by clicking on the BP Sync icon and selecting Quit.

  5. Reopen BeProduct Sync.

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