Release 2.12
The primary focus of this release was to enhance the tracking functionality by providing the ability to configure additional grid views with editable fields, and to duplicate styles and materials in a plan by colorway. Additional enhancements include soft delete, a main material style attribute and configurable material dimensions.
Tracking Views: With this release, additional grid views can be added to a Tracking Plan, with mass editable fields that are mapped to a request level form app.
Duplicate by Colorway in Tracking: Users can now choose to add styles and materials to a Tracking Plan, already broken down by every active colorway. Styles and materials already added to a plan can also be duplicated for any additional colorways not already associated in the plan.
Soft Delete: Deleting a color palette, image, material or style item now results in that item getting placed in a Recycle Bin area in each master folder. The Recycle Bin for each master folder can be accessed from the navigation menu and a deleted item can be restored by finding it in the Recycle Bin and clicking the restore button for that item.
Default Main Material Style Attribute: Style folders have a new Main Material attribute by default. An admin can configure the system to populate this attribute with a value, when a main material is identified in a Bill of Material app for a style using BOM Material Groups.
Material Dimensions: With this release, an admin is able to configure custom attributes for the colorways and sizes tabs in material folders.
Deleting a sample submit in Sample Request apps now displays a modal popup making the user confirm the delete operation.
The currency field from the material sizes tab has been added as a default field in Bill of Material apps and is populated based off the selected size of a material.
Updates to email notifications have been made to support Lotus Notes email client.
Fixed bug where New Version button in styles opens incorrect panel.
Fixed bug with mass sharing of Measurement and Sample Request apps.
Fixed bug with Revisions app printout.
Fixed bug with Sample Request app printout.
Fixed bug where the Core Size Range field was not populating when copying styles.
Fixed bug with exporting of Partner dropdown fields in tracking.
Fixed bug with quick search in the Linesheet folder.